From the recording Are We Sure The Dawn Is Coming?

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It was a beautiful doomsday when we left that town behind
We spent hour after hour inching down Interstate 5
“This place won’t let us leave,” you cried, “these stars aren’t on our side”

Darling we, we can beat Mercury

Your old deck of tarot cards said movement was the way
Without a word of warning ‘bout things born in retrograde
But we can’t half believe in this it’s real now or it ain’t

Darling we, we can beat Mercury
Hang on while I try to make this right

Cause we were the perfect team in what seems like a lifetime prior
Now every hoop we’re jumping through the other lights on fire
Our signals aren’t crossed it’s more somebody stole the wire

Darling we, we can beat Mercury
Help me while I try to make this right

And Boulder sounds like someplace where two of our kind can hide
Darling we …

We’ve visited these crossroads now a couple dozen times
Forget each other’s limits though we’ve got ‘em memorized
The road ahead is crumbling but only in our minds

Darling we, we can beat Mercury
Hand in hand we always make it right
That bastard ain’t fast enough to catch us not tonight
Darling we, we can beat Mercury